2021 CDS Survey Results

The findings from the Club Development Scotland 2021 survey paint a somewhat pessimistic picture for the future of sports clubs in Scotland, particularly concerning their finances and membership.

Key findings of the survey include:

While before the pandemic just 2% of clubs were making a loss, as of June 2021, this number had grown to 31% of clubs. Furthermore, while pre-COVID 48% of clubs were making a surplus, just 18 months on, this number had reduced to 28% – highlighting the impact COVID has had upon clubs financially.

In addition, 16% of the clubs who participated in the survey held doubts they would survive the next six months.

Regarding clubs’ membership numbers, since the start of 2020 (pre-COVID), over 50% of clubs had seen their adult membership decrease, with just 18% witnessing an increase over the same time period. While this decrease might be largely attributed to the impact of COVID19, this is also reflective of wider trends concerning the decrease of membership within sports clubs in Scotland (and as reported by the OSS).

  • You can read the full results of the survey here.