Launch of the 2021 CDS Survey - how has COVID19 affected your club? | June 2021 Newsletter

Let us know the issues most affecting your club

We have today published the annual Club Development Scotland survey, aiming to provide a picture of the issues affecting clubs across the country. 

Research has revealed that even before COVID-19, over 40% of local community sports clubs were either in deficit or just breaking even. The pandemic has since put over 25% of community clubs at risk of permanent closure. We’re keen to learn about the precise challenges clubs are facing and the extent of the damage COVID-19 has caused. We’re asking clubs to complete this short survey to give us an understanding of the support they seek going forward. We will use this information to tailor our guidance going forward.

  • Complete the survey here.


News & What We're Reading

New insight reveals young people are less likely to return to organised activity post-lockdown

Children and young people are less likely to return to organised community activity post-lockdown than adults, according to new research by the Sport and Recreation Alliance.

Clubs ready to deliver if facilities are ready to return

Research by the Sport and Recreation Alliance has shown that community clubs are ready to return once restrictions end but there remain serious concerns that a reduction in available facilities may leave some unable to deliver activity.

Physical activity can help disadvantaged pupils

New research published this week suggests that children who do more physical activity may be able to control their emotions more easily, and therefore have improved educational attainment.

This pattern of association, reported in a study from Cambridge University, was found to be particularly pronounced among children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The authors of the study suggest that this may in part be because less-advantaged children often have fewer opportunities to participate in organised recreation and sports, and therefore experience stronger benefits when they do so.


Is a lack of higher purpose stifling the potential of sports organisations?

Research suggests that rallying around a clear and sincere mission can increase the robustness and competitive advantage of a company


Becoming football’s first chief sustainability officer

Thom Rawson, an Edie 30-under-30 sustainability champion, discusses his unique role in helping non-league Hanwell Town FC become a net zero football club


Resources For Your Club

 Many clubs in Scotland are unincorporated. This is a suitable setup for small members’ or amateur clubs with no significant assets, no interest in property and who do not employ staff, enter into contracts or other arrangements involving risk. However, unincorporated clubs have no “legal personality” and comes with significant risks. Check our explainer for more information on the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation for your sports club. 




Deveronvale Community FC

"We first linked up with Club Development Scotland through our partnership with My Club Hub to assist and progress our application to gain charitable status as a SCIO and HMRC registration for Gift Aid. The application process is quite a daunting task for any club but straight from the start the guys were first class, getting a real understanding of our club first of all and from there on in, it was a very streamlined and simple process which resulted in a successful outcome. Their expertise and honesty was evident. Real genuine guys and we can’t speak highly enough of the work of Club Development Scotland. We would have no doubts in recommending the first-class services provided"

- Kevin Stewart, Chair of Deveronvale Community FC


Grant Funding

 Clubs can look to raise significant capital for funding through their own independent fundraising methods but often there are funders who support community projects and may make suitable funding partners for your project.

Here are some of the newest funds your club may be eligible to apply for.

If you're looking for support with your fundraising, get in touch.


Clubs in Crisis Fund

Made By Sport and Cash4Clubs are offering community sports clubs and organisations across the UK the opportunity to receive £2021 in unrestricted support, through the ‘Clubs In Crisis’ fund.

Application deadline: 07/06/2021 (Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Inverness, Perth)

Persimmon Community Champions

Persimmon Community Champions is a national programme where charities and groups can apply for funding up to the value of £2,000 to match money they have already raised themselves.

This year (2021) the community champions scheme is open to all and does not have a specific focus as it did last year.


 Fundraising is an important aspect of any club's success. Check out some ways you can raise valuable income here. If you're looking for support with your fundraising, get in touch.


My Club Hub

Volunteering can be a busy and thankless task so whether it’s managing day to day duties or maintaining a compliant club, supported by nearly 250 design features, your time and effort needn’t be stretched with My Club Hub's membership and payment system. Get in touch for more information. 

SNAP Sponsorship Support

SNAP helps clubs promote sponsorship opportunities to a wider audience while sharing best practices when it comes to negotiating and securing sponsorship, all within one easy-to-use platform. Use the promo code "clubdevelopmentscotland" at checkout and enjoy 12 months of support for the price of 11 (+ keep 100% of your sponsorship)

Fundraising with Fantastic Fanatics

Fantastic Fanatics (FF) is a great new way to raise funds for your club, at no extra cost, when you shop, eat out, book hotels and lots more.

Clubs can sign up to the FF platform here and start earning money straight away - don't forget to select Club Development Scotland as your governing body for an extra 10% income. 

Our Club Lotto

Small club lotteries are a powerful and sustainable way for organisations to raise funds for their core activities or larger projects.

Decades of experience in administration, commercial operation and technical knowhow of local lotteries is combined to support your fundraising activities on a bespoke Our Club Lotto portal.