Please see the below email received from Andrew Jenkin, the Head of Supporters Direct Scotland with an update from the recent Supporters Direct AGM.
"Good morning all,
I hope this finds you well.
I’m pleased to say following our consultation with members and the Supporters Direct AGM on July 2nd, Supporters Direct Scotland (SD Scotland) are pleased to announce SD members voted unanimously in favour of SD Scotland incorporating locally in Scotland. The new organisation will be run and directed from within Scotland and all football activity including SD Scotland’s work supporting Supporters Trusts, Supporter Liaison Officers and the Scottish Supporters Network will be transferred to this new organisation which is to be established and registered as a Community Benefit Society and owned by its Scottish members.
The new organisation will incorporate a new governance structure which will reflect the wide scope of its current activity and allow SD Scotland to serve its membership and mission with the SD Scotland Council becoming the Board of the new entity. The revised structure will also encourage and allow for individual membership and participation. The SD Scotland Council anticipate incorporation will allow SD Scotland to continue and grow the level of support and representation it offers fans and communities across Scotland.
SD Scotland will continue to participate in the UK football agenda and will maintain a structured relationship with SD which sees both organisations extract the benefit of working together, but with autonomy. SD Scotland will be working through a transitionary process with the aim of having the new structure in place by the end of 2017.
We trust you’ll find this welcome news – please do not hesitate to contact with any further questions at this stage."
As per Andrew's email, anyone who has any questions they wish to be forwarded to Supporters Direct Scotland can get in touch either using the contact form from our website, or by emailing